Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Nearly 2009!

I know I am so bad at blogging so my first New Year's resolution will be to write more often. At least you can all see whether I stick to it.
So we went and came back from Hawaii. We had an amazing time and Rachel and Maggs (if I only knew how to link to their blogs that would be good - I am useless I know) were really helpful with their suggestions of where to go and what to do. Shaun loved the Koko Head trail hike and it was our favourite thing that week.

The picture above is me coming up to the top. I was hot and exhausted.

I got back to London on 22nd only to find out that whilst I was on holiday half of my department has been made redundant. How is that for Christmas present. I am apparently not at risk but with the current economic climate you just don't know what may happen.

Flew back to NYC and West Point on Christmas Eve and Shaun and I had a great and quiet Christmas. I've got some great presents from him and pretty much the whole day we just chilled out and watched some running DVDs - all very motivational. Then flew back to London on Sunday night because I had to work these few days between Christmas and New Year and I am flying back to the US on New Year's Eve. Ah, and my bank account balance suffered big time. My other new year's resolution is to spend less time (and money) on the planes.

Shaun and I have talked a lot over Christmas as to what we want to do over the next few years and he has decided not to do any triathlons over the next 2-3 years and to concentrate purely on running and getting faster. We figured that his marathon times are pretty good with minimal training and that if he concentrates on running and drops biking and swimming he could get much faster. We shall see what happens. First stop for him is Boston marathon. So all the tri races next year I will be doing on my own - oh, dear!

My coach really wants me to concentrate on running and swimming over the next couple of months so I guess for me, biking will be on the backburner.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you all the best for 2009.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Hawaii here we come

Well it has been a while since my last blog entry and I have pretty much spent that whole time being ill. There is some virus going around London and a lot of my colleagues are off sick. I am glad that I only had to miss one day of work but unfortunately I had to miss at least two weeks of training. After a lot of thinking and discussing it with the coach the decision has been made - Honolulu marathon is off.
I haven't really done any of my long runs and I do not want to go out there and not enjoy this run. In addition Shaun has been slightly injured and he is being all grown up about it and was the first to decide not to run it. Instead we are going on holiday. Wooohoooo!!!!
I think it will be the first holiday in quite some time that does not involve some sort of racing or serious training so it is all new to us. It is like we are kind of lost and not really sure what to do. No biking? We definitely plan to do some swimming and running but the idea is to have fun. Also my coach said that my priority should be working on my suntan. Is he great or what!?
So I am flying over to NYC on Thursday night and then we have a direct flight on Friday from NYC to Honolulu. The plan, for the time being (but everything is subject to change here) is that we shall spend the whole time on Oahu and have fun, fun, fun. I can't wait. All my friends are so jealous especially considering how cold it has been in London lately. And I will be in my bikini by the end of the week. Oh I am excited already.
But in the meantime I have couple of days here in London being miserable. I am meeting a friend of mine tonight for a dinner and I am quite looking forward to it. We used to work together until she decided to quit last year - had enough of being a lawyer. Clever girl. I am sure I will be sitting there all envious at how she is not doing much and has all that free time. Anyway, i won't think about that right now. I am going to Hawaii!!!!!