After that great start to the year, last week it all came tumbling down. On Tuesday I started feeling ill with fever and generally just very weak. It has lasted until Sunday - by Sunday afternoon I was feeling quite good. It is very frustrating not being able to train. That is what we do and it is a big part of our day so not training just leaves this void. And frustration. And generally I am not a nice person to be around when I can't train. And this illness has been an annoying one: you know the one where you feel well enough to get out of bed and go to work but then you get to work and you feel miserable and sorry for yourself. ANNOYING!!!!
So I was only too keen to get back into training yesterday. I did a great swim back in my local pool, watched what I ate, blah, blah, blah. Then I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Didn't think much of it, but as the day went on I felt worse and worse. And now it's back to square one. I am in no state to train. Can you hear me screaming right now???
I am trying to be positive and I think that tonight I will get some rest, go to bed early and will wake up in the morning raring to go. Let's hope so!!
I have no great advice but get better soon. When I'm in your shoes I go order myself a Matcha Green Tea Blast with immunity from Jamba Juice. No idea if it helps or its a placebo effect but....
I'm with you dear.. unfortunately. I'm sorry you're dealing with sickness too.. in fact, I'm sick AND I found out I can't swim today so I'm a pretty bummed girl but I'm trying to stay positive and keep my head up. I hope you get better soon..let's both do that.. my nose is KILLING me..
ARGHHH!! I hope you feel better soon ADC! Clearly the solution is to call off work for a few days so you can just sleep and rest up... But don't tell your boss I said that! :) Seriously though - I hope you are feeling better ASAP and can get back to life as usual!
Oh ugh...I hate that run down feeling....hope you start to feel better very soon!!!
FEEL BETTER ADC! I sent you a little special something across the pond, maybe it will make you feel better! LOL
Hope you're feeling better soon. Took your advice and updated my blog. Finally! xo
Craaaaaaaap. Hope you're feeling better soon!
This certainly seems to be going around! I hope you feel better soon!!!
I hope you are feeling better now after a couple of days. No one wants to be around a not-able-to-train athlete.
No sick, no sick, NO SICK! The way I see it, being sick is an excuse to eat cake. Can't train? Eat cake!
(see... Beth hasn't totally ruined me)
It's those endorphins you get from training. You get addicted! And then, when you can't train, you go through withdrawal and get cranky =) I usually like to leave the swimming as the last thing I go back to, as I find I tend to relapse quicker...Hang in there!!! Hope you're feeling better now!
Rest up! We need you strong for Oceanside and the Cali weekend!
:( poor thing! i went through that back in december and the dirty pool water always made me sick again. Heal fast and stay positive!
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