I got off the train on Wednesday night to find my car totally buried in snow. My normal 5 mins drive from the train station home took me over half an hour. On Thursday morning my car and me in it were the first to drive down our road. Needless to say, the trains were a mess and I ended up working from home.
It was lovely to walk in the snow and enjoy the fresh air. But this country never gets this much snow and we simply cannot cope with it. So, can we please have some nice weather now.
I remember in 1996 when I was there, I saw snow flurries and maaayyybe a teeny millimeter of accumulation in a few places. I got home and the news talked about the "blizzard" and ensuing train delays. I totally laughed, but Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (who I rented a room from, and who hated me, can't say I liked them either) gave me a lecture about how all you need for a blizzard is wind and snow falling from the sky, you don't need multiple inches/feet of accumulation. I can't remember if I told you this story before? If so, sorry! I have another story about how Mr. Lawrence called my boss at the university to verify that light is both a wave and a particle because he didn't believe me, but I was right :).
This time it looks like you all got actual snow accumulation! Enough for snowmen and igloos and the whole shebang!
ZOMG two comments from Hawaii at the same time! Tropical weather is sure to head your way now!
Same thing is happening in some cities around here. Especially Washington D.C. My friend lives in DC proper and has had to stay at home almost all week. It's crazy! Hopefully spring will come soon =)
Too much snow everywhere!!!
It looks pretty though!
Most years I think it's funny when places that aren't used to getting snow freak out when they get it, but this year it's been a bit extreme. I feel sorry for you all and the mid-Atlantic in the US.
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