I have been invited to a dinner by one of the Army wives tonight. Most of the other wives are going but I said "No". I have masters swim practice and I did not want to miss it. I didn't really say that to her as there is no doubt they would all think I was completely mad and got my priorities wrong. But after all, that was the only reason for it. If it wasn't for the masters practice (or any other training session) I would have gone. Perhaps I am mad. But I am proud of myself (maybe wrongly, you can be the judge of that) for saying "No". I do have a problem in that more often than not I would agree to doing something even though it completely messes up my plans and my life. Then the even comes near and all I think is why in the first place did I agree to go there or do that. Anyway, I am on the right track and I need to be more disciplined in saying NO.
On a slightly different note, I have had a first phone call over the weekend informing me of the first injured soldier in Shaun's unit. It was a case of improvised explosive device and the poor soldier has lost both of his legs. It is impossible to say how I felt but all I wanted to do was cry. Not sure whether it was because I was feeling sorry for him, or because it brought it all close to home or whether I was feeling sorry for myself and having to deal with these sort of news for the next six months. But what I do know is that I shouldn't think about these things because they will drive me completely mad.
But on a more positive note the training is going well in spite of some long hours at work. I am loving the training at the moment and the little routine I have created for myself. And so I am leaving you with couple of photos from my most favourite long run route. Miles and miles of trees, water and nothing else.
Looks like a gorgeous run.
And I can imagine that it is hard not to constantly worry and go mad. You army wives have to be so tough and I don't think that's something that everyone understands or appreciates.
And good for you for saying "No." This is a weakness of mine as well.
Beautiful run for sure! :) I like seeing where people train!
I am sorry about one of the soliders in Shaun's unit (did I say that right?)....WOW I agree, so hard...ugh.
And, Saying NO is soo freeing! I am the master at it...I can be good at something, eh? :)
GLAD you are enjoying the training too!
My heart just sunk reading about the soldier. Keep your head up, ADC. Shaun WILL come home in one piece. Keep training & working. This time will pass and you will have that man home in no time.
I'm thinking of you guys - a lot more than you realize :) Nathaniel keeps talking about finding Shaun - wandering onto the British part of the base (and grabbing a "real" beer)...I'm not sure where Shaun is - or if they'll even be at the same place. Hhhmmmm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm so sorry to hear about the soldier in Shaun's unit...just hang in there ADC. Stay away from the news, if you can.
And YES to the routine - love it! And saying NO is extremely empowering. You and I are in the same boat with the spouses...literally. And WOW - I LOVE your running route...so beautiful. I'm totally there :)
Uggh, I can't even imagine what a phone call like that might be. I used to give Andrew such a hard time about the late hours he worked. One day I said to him, "It's not like you are saving peoples' lives or anything," and then he told me that he had just spent a week straight working through paperwork to get some technicians over to Iraq to test out some new anti-IEDs. Now, I just keep my mouth shut.
I want to run on your trails!
So sorry to hear about the solider in Shaun's unit. I can't even begin to understand how that might make you feel. Thinking of you guys lots!! And thanks for the pictures - beautiful run!! Hopefully time on that trail can give you a little peace!
Oh, sorry to hear about the soldier. Every thing will be ok!
That looks like such a nice place to run. Glad your training is going so well.
Saying no can be very empowering.
So sorry to hear about the soldier in Shaun's group - continuing to think safe and sound thoughts for him.
Sending lots of good vibes your way adc... I love saying no too... My priorities are usually messed up but I think that's a triathlete thing lol. Beautiful pics... Glad training is going well :)
Love your training route. I'm so glad you said "NO" I have trouble with that too. And I can only imagine how hard it is when Shaun is away - glad you got to talk to him, but I know it's so very hard. I'm praying for you guys. Oh - and so happy you found your anniversary watch!!!! Sending you hugs. Hang tight!!
good for you for having your priorities in line....always tough to tell people why, but the good news is they don't have to know why. totally up to you! oh and beautiful run trail!!
I agree with Molly, sometimes saying "No" is the hardest thing to do, but so necessary for your own sanity. The place you run is beautiful and apparently mountain lion free, which really elevates it in my book. Do what's best for you, and I am thinking good thoughts about your husband.
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