So what has happened since the last time I wrote? The first and most important thing is that Shaun came back home after 7-month deployment to Afghanistan. The company he commands was on the very last flight home which made it really hard.I would see the other guys arriving home and their wives and girlfriends being really happy and relieved but we just had to wait and wait. But that day finally arrived and it was wonderful to have him back home. The post-deployment party in the officers mess was the best party we had in a very long time. Everyone was really relaxed which made it such a fun night. We had some friends staying with us as well which was fun and ended up getting home just after 5 am. A lot of alcohol was consumed and I don't normally drink which made the day after the party a rather painful day. I felt seriously ill the following day. And of course I said the famous words - "I am not drinking ever again".
So what else happened. For the past few months I was training for a marathon which was due to take place on 5 December. The week before the race we had a very snowy and cold weather (UK just does not know how to cope with the cold and snow) and the race was cancelled. I was very disappointed, especially as my training was going really well and I knew I was in for a good PR. Anyway, I have frantically set off looking for an alternative race and found one a week later in Holland. But this marathon just did not seem to happen for me as I felt ill and didn't race.
So now I am under instructions to rest and enjoy and I keep looking at my training peaks profile and there are no workouts there. I even log on every day hoping that I fill find a workout or something but nothing. I am not very good at this resting thing. It is driving me mad.
In some different news we have moved to a small village between Swindon and Marlborough, west of London. Shaun is on a staff college here until August, when we move to Wales. I am of course commuting to London for my job which is not ideal but there is not much I can do about it. We moved last week and are still getting to know the area. It is very beautiful with a lot of lovely pubs and great cycling route network. I think we will have nice time here.
So I am leaving you with a photo from the party which sums it all up - FUN!!!

Yeah for Shaun being home! And for fun parties and moving to great new places. :) Enjoy your rest and recovery ADC! :)
Look at that PARTYYY! You are so fun. I know the whole marathon thing was so so disheartening! I get it. BUT it is Xmas and we are left with no races and cold/ drink up, be merry and here's to a great 2011! Happy Christmas and tell Shaun hi from me!
Don't you just wanna slap Jen sometimes? ;)
So glad Shaun is back! And sounds like you guys are having a great time. And I can't believe your marathon was cancelled because of snow. I mean, it makes perfect sense to me given how much I hate cold and the conditions, but these hearty midwesterners just love the crap.
I can't believe your marathon was cancelled... that is horrible and I would never imagine something like that could happen - oh what a sheltered life I live out here in sunny AZ. Super excited for you that Shaun is home and maybe not so excited about your commute to work. I hope you keep blogging, I've missed reading your posts!!
I am so sorry your race got cancelled! What is that?! No i am kidding, I know its dangerous and just bc we have nutzo people here who are running in sub zero i dont think a marathon is prudent.
that party looks super fun, and so glad you and shaun are together and can enjoy the holidays:)
Good luck with the resting :)
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