Wednesday 2 December 2009

W for....

Work which has totally taken over my life. For the past 3.5 weeks I have been working on a transaction for one of our clients whom I've known and worked for for 3 years now. The transaction is really interesting and I love the work but the hours have been crazy. I have basically been working between 12 and 15 hours every day including last three weekends and I am totally exhausted.

But that is not the hardest part. The partner leading the transaction is someone who is not even in my department (it all got a bit complicated) and I have never worked with him. And it is certain to say that I never ever want to. I will not go into too much detail but it is enough to say that he reduced me to tears on couple of occasions (and I never cry because of work). The whole team felt the same way so I am glad I am not the only one. Shaun saw me working from home on Sunday and I was soooo stressed that he said "If you carry on like this you'll get a nervous breakdown". Anyway, I am trying to keep it cool and collected and the team is basically now using his patronising emails to have a laugh at his expense. What else is there to do!?

The good thing is that, although it was incredible hard, and I was totally sleep-deprived I have managed to get all my workouts in. I have only missed one long run in the last 5 weeks which is not too bad I guess. But I was so annoyed I've missed it. What I did find is that I would rather get less sleep and get out for a run or swim because it helped me to de-stress and recharge my mental batteries for the day ahead.

So I better go now and back to my "mine".

P.S. Has it been over a month since my last blog entry??? I really need to get a life.


Beth said...

You are one tough cookie for getting through those long days (with a not so fun partner) and STILL getting 99.9% of your workouts in! Amazing! Keeping my fingers crossed that it lets up soon...really, really soon! Thinking of you!!

TriGirl Kate O said...

Fly me to London and I'll be your free helper...not that I know ANYTHING about lawyering, but I can fetch tea/coffee.

Molly said...

I am so impressed you still got your workouts in!!! Hope that things get quieter for you soon.

Maggs said...

Hope it wraps up soon. Good job on getting the workouts in. Maybe you guys need a vacation? to Hawaii

Jennifer Harrison said...

ADC! YOU are impressive! You are doing a fab job during this stressful time! And, I had to laugh when I was emailing YOU at 6am this morning and you said I was working too much! :)) xo

t-odd said...

Hey, Kate in some legal practices they hire trained monkeys to do some of the work.

(I don't mean that you are a monkey or that ADC is a monkey. I mean some lawyering can be done by monkeys, but that still sounds like one or both of you are monkeys. Aw, bollocks. I know - "plonker.")

Kim said...

It sounds like you are at your wits-end but hopefully a vacation over the holiday is coming soon and you have that to look forward to! I'm thinking of you..! You are amazing getting all those workouts in!! Really - my hero!!

Angela and David said...

Law firms are so tough. I remember working those hours and falling asleep while I was on the elliptical which I was doing to stay awake for another day after an all nighter. And a partner that sucks is the worst. Nothing worse than killing yourself for someone you don't like and respect.

Getting your workouts in is highly impressive. I'm glad you are able to carve out a little bit of time for you.

Hope your deal closes soon!

D said...

You need to make W stand for something else... like Wookie! See, every time you think of Wookie (and especially when you think of the Wookie sounds) you will chuckle. W just got a whole lot better, didn't it?